Saturday, February 28, 2015

Andrea Blaylock's February Monthly Summary

Truth be told I really did not know what to expect when it came to my group’s first project. I had heard stories from other classmates of bad experiences with working in group for online classes so I had some reservations. This is my first semester taking online classes and it has been challenging to establish specific times to get my school work done. Nevertheless, I approached this class like I approach everything in life: Positive Attitude.

Unfortunately, we had two members leave our group which left only 3 of use to do the work that was originally set for 5 people. Thus good communication had to be established immediately. We have had two conference calls on the project to determine who would be responsible for what content of the research. We each volunteered to complete certain sections of the paper which made it easier for use to get our project done. We posted our papers and other information on the group discussion blog in hopes of providing feedback from each other as well as other groups in the class.

As far as the content of the class is concerned, I’ve learned the importance of knowing the history of adult education. In the United States we are still struggling with how to make educational opportunities equal for all students. I believe many of the academic issues that we are experiences stem from a lack of acknowledging our past history.

For next month, we will be working on getting the individual assignments designated ahead of time. Conference calls seem to work best for our group and maybe we will try to use Zoom - to record our meetings.

Thanks to my group for their feedback and communication. I am encouraged and appreciate your proactive mindset to getting things done.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nichole Mann's February Summary

February has a been a crazy month for me in this class! I've had some unfortunate circumstances personally that have tested my standby time management systems, but I think I've stayed on track. Our group lost two members this month; one reports she dropped the course and the other left the group due to time constraints. I'm not sure what this will mean for our group as a whole, but my comfort level with the situation is helped by how competent and organized the remaining members are. I can't say enough how grateful I am to have a strong group to work with this semester. The biggest challenge from my perspective is developing our "system" for getting things done. The shakeups to our group have made it harder to lock in our way of doing things and clarify the expectations for each group member. We are currently taking steps to develop a plan for staying organized as a group. I expect that this will continue to develop through the next paper and will be improved by our next summary. 

Angela Henry's February Summary

Angela Commented on Group 2 and Group 5
I decided to start this semester off with a positive attitude and making sure that I stay on top of my studies.  Last semester had it challenges, but now that I know the expectations and also understand Dr. Chang’s expectations that has helped me. Our group has started off with challenges already. I personally couldn’t get my blog sign on to work so that for me was a challenge in itself. Then trying to schedule a conference call with everyone’s hectic schedule we couldn’t get worked out. Then we lost one member of the class, she said she dropped then this week, we lose another group member. Group activities are definitely challenging. It appears we will all do our part, and make sure that we are getting our assignments done for the group. I think after reading through the assignments 2 and 3 times we are now gathering what it is we are supposed to be doing. Andrea, Nichole and I have divided the work up and we each have our assignments that we will have done and will post to the blog in a timely manner. As an adult learner, I have grown in the class over the last few months, and have gotten great information from others blogs.  Our first assignment we chose two adult educators and my assignment is do the background, profile and now contributions. Looking forward to learning about 2 great contributors in Adult Education.
Overall, I have begun to look at the next project and designing a time line for it. Hopefully we can provide our assignment and get our jobs done timely. As a group we are working on assigning tasks with deadlines, and our hopes is that it works out well for us.