Saturday, February 28, 2015

Andrea Blaylock's February Monthly Summary

Truth be told I really did not know what to expect when it came to my group’s first project. I had heard stories from other classmates of bad experiences with working in group for online classes so I had some reservations. This is my first semester taking online classes and it has been challenging to establish specific times to get my school work done. Nevertheless, I approached this class like I approach everything in life: Positive Attitude.

Unfortunately, we had two members leave our group which left only 3 of use to do the work that was originally set for 5 people. Thus good communication had to be established immediately. We have had two conference calls on the project to determine who would be responsible for what content of the research. We each volunteered to complete certain sections of the paper which made it easier for use to get our project done. We posted our papers and other information on the group discussion blog in hopes of providing feedback from each other as well as other groups in the class.

As far as the content of the class is concerned, I’ve learned the importance of knowing the history of adult education. In the United States we are still struggling with how to make educational opportunities equal for all students. I believe many of the academic issues that we are experiences stem from a lack of acknowledging our past history.

For next month, we will be working on getting the individual assignments designated ahead of time. Conference calls seem to work best for our group and maybe we will try to use Zoom - to record our meetings.

Thanks to my group for their feedback and communication. I am encouraged and appreciate your proactive mindset to getting things done.


  1. Andrea,

    I apologize for any difficulties my departure from Group 1 may have caused for you, Nichole, and Angela. I was sincerely concerned about whether or not my contributions could be timely for the group's purposes. I wish Group 1 all the best going forward.

    "I believe many of the academic issues that we are experiences stem from a lack of acknowledging our past history." I particularly appreciated this sentence from your February summary. So much in the way of human and other resources have been expended in the last century in hopes of effecting improvement in adult education, and education generally as well, yet so much remains the same. Many efforts described as new are merely re-badged versions of things tried in the past; and surprise!, the results are nearly the same too!

    Jim Brunson

    1. Jim,

      We encourage students to work collaboratively. But it is all right if you really want to work alone. We want students to learn as much as they can from the course. You don't need to feel guilty about this. :)


  2. Andrea,
    I am sorry that your group lost some members but you pulled together and have done a great job! Hopefully it will just make your group stronger and you will have fun learning together. I like your idea of recording your conferences, what a great way to use technology and reflection. Keep up the good work!


  3. Andrea, thank you for sharing the positive quote. This is my first attempt at a group work via distance education as well. I am learning how to balance my schoolwork with everyday life. Keep up the great work!


  4. Andrea,
    Working with a group is a learning experience in itself. Being distant from each other makes it even more challenging because you are trying to communicate clearly and with feeling, but things get lost in translation. When I started my first group project I didn't want to work with a group, but I've found that it can be very positive and by splitting up the work it can be less stressful. Good luck with your project! - Linda Wood

  5. but I've found that it can be very positive and by splitting up the work it can be less stressful.

    --- Yes, it is!


  6. Andrea,

    Positive attitude is important. I am glad that you had a pleasant experience in your group work.

    Next time, you can combine your group summaries together since you are in one group.

